Sunday, March 14, 2010


I went around yesterday and took some pictures of my neighborhood. Its nothing spectacular but it gives you a good idea of what my immediate surroundings are.

So, in Korean terms, I live in the ghetto. However, when you see this picture you might question the validity of terms like 'ghetto' when applied to Korea. Crime is very minimal here and people routinely leave things unlocked and out on the sidewalk.

my building is the first building on the right that you can see clearly, right behind the telephone pole.
When I first got there I thought I was going to be in one of these huge apartment buildings that are everywhere. You can see them in the background of this picture, and probably just about every picture I will ever take in Seoul.

I had to take a picture of Lotte Mart because its just so big:

This whole building is one big Wal-Mart-esque store.

On my first day of walking around I found this trail down by the river that is really very nice. The cool breeze from the river swallows all the traffic noise and its like you're in a whole other place. You can see the trail down there on the right.

heres another one of the trail by the river

I live in a town called Suji which is technically part of the Seoul Metropolitan area but is about 45 minutes away from Seoul proper. So here are some pictures of our own little downtown area which consists of one intersection
look what I found!

Just to illustrate how many English teachers there are in the area, here is a building near my house (not the one I work in) which has no less than three English schools in it. Can you spot them?


  1. Hi, Emily. I'm loving your tale, thus far. Your curiosity and wit are most enjoyable. I am wondering, however, how you are communicating with your non-English-speaking contacts, unless you speak Korean. Do you?

    Best wishes on this great adventure. Jackie Bower

  2. Hi Em - love the pics! The last one could be one of those "before and after" pics in the WP! Suji looks more metropolitan than I'd thought - very "city". Its nice that you have a little river and trail. Love you!

    Love, Mom

  3. Jackie, Thanks for reading! I don't speak Korean at all but the other teachers at the school who are Korean speak English and talk to the principal on my behalf. One of the American teachers is half Korean and even though he claims he doesn't speak Korean he speaks it enough to clear up any misunderstandings. Mostly.

    Mom - about 75%-80% of the population of Korea lives in the Seoul Metropolitan Area. You have to go a lot farther out than we are to find a place that is not build up like this. There are, however, a lot of park area and things like that so its a good mix.
